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At Fortis, we have extensive experience and deep knowledge in sales and can assist your company in selling products or services. We understand how sales should be conducted to achieve the best results, and our sales representatives are experts in selling a wide range of offerings.

With professional sales techniques, we can help increase your company’s sales and achieve greater profits. All our sales representatives are qualified and have extensive experience in professional sales, with most falling within the age range of 25 to 55 years. We always select the most suitable representative based on the target audience to be contacted and the product or service being sold. Our primary goal is customer satisfaction, and we strive to excel in all the tasks we undertake!

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extern försäljning

External Sales

By hiring us for external sales, greater opportunities are created to increase the company’s profits. In this way, your staff can instead focus on utilizing their full potential within the business. You can save a lot of time and energy with the help of external sales, and the staff can become more motivated if they have the opportunity to focus on core activities.

Sales are key for all companies. With the help of external sales, it can achieve new and better results and generate higher profits for the company. Our expertise in sales and business can help your company create new opportunities for more customers and greater success.


Why hire us for sales assistance?

We engage in dialogue with the customer to quickly assess their needs. Sales representatives at Fortis are attentive and can provide excellent customer support. We identify a need and present a solution to the customer in the best possible way.

Before starting sales activities, our sales representatives are trained about your company and your products or services. This way, we already have the right knowledge when we start the collaboration. We believe in long-term and reliable partnerships, so we tailor our services to your needs.

It can feel good for newly established companies to receive support and advice, while more established companies can benefit from ensuring effective sales and good methods. Tell us what your company wants to achieve, and we’ll tell you how we can help!

Need help increasing your sales? Contact us!

Hire an external company

What are the advantages of external sales?



Hiring an external sales team can be more cost-effective than building an internal sales department. You avoid costs for recruitment, onboarding, training, and salaries.


With external sales, you can easily adapt your sales organization to your needs. You can more easily increase or decrease the number of salespeople depending on the season, market conditions, or campaigns.


An external sales company often has specialist knowledge in specific industries or markets. They can provide you with valuable insights and advice on how to reach your customers and increase your sales.


Hiring external salespeople allows you to focus on other important aspects of your business, such as product development, customer service, or marketing.


External salespeople are often more motivated than internal salespeople. They have a strong drive to succeed and make money, which can lead to increased sales.

Technical advantages

External sales companies like Fortis use well-developed sales systems that streamline work, leading to more contacts and higher conversion rates.


Why outsource sales?

Companies outsource sales functions for several reasons, including reducing costs by avoiding hiring and training internal staff, leveraging specialized expertise and infrastructure from external sales companies, and enabling a flexible and scalable sales operation that can be adapted to needs and market trends.

How long have you been around?

Since 2015, we at Fortis have been working with outsourcing in telecommunications, to be a support and a helping hand for companies that do not have the knowledge or the opportunity to handle this on their own. We are ready to take care of all kinds of tasks to facilitate your work as much as possible!

How many sales representatives do you have?

At Fortis, we currently have around 100 sales representatives. Our sales force has an average age of over 30 years, which is often perceived positively by many customers and leads to good results.

Why hire Fortis for sales assistance?

At Fortis, we have extensive experience and deep knowledge in sales and can help your company sell products or services. With our solid experience in sales, both in B2B and B2C, we can confidently say that we know how sales should be conducted to achieve the best results.

How long do you commit when hiring you?

We believe in our sales expertise and know that we have good chances of succeeding with every task we undertake. Therefore, we have no need to tie customers into long contracts but instead offer ongoing agreements with no commitment and only a 30-day notice period.

How quickly can we get started?

We are usually up and running within 3-4 weeks after the signed agreement, depending on how quickly you provide us with the items we request from you.